WCCC Gordale Oldwirralccc

WCCC Gordale

22nd SEPTEMBER 2019 (pre-entered only)

The committee takes great pleasure inviting all owners of classic vehicles registered prior to the 31 December 1990 to attend our annual drive/static car show to be held at Gordale Garden & Home Centre Chester High Road, Burton CH64 8TF.

This is the club’s Drive/Static event for classic vehicles together with vehicles of special interest to either take part in a short drive from a location in the Wirral to arrive at Gordale Garden & Home Centre or alternatively to make there one way and park.

The event is free to enter and is open to both members and non-members of classic car clubs with a classic vehicle to meet the above criteria, places are limited to the first eighty to complete and forward their completed entry form.

Vehicles are entered at the owner’s risk and must be fully insured and meet all legal requirements in force at the date of the event.  Entry to the event is open for registered  entrants from 9.30am until 11.00am and vehicles will be parked as directed by the marshals. 

Vehicles will be divided into three equal classes and will be judged by independent judges from 11.00am.  They will be award a first, second and third in each class.  The judges criteria will be based on a “Relecting an Era basis” and apart from well turned out vehicles the attire of the occupants to reflect the period their vehicle was manufactured and also information of interest to the public will be taken into account.

The prize giving will commence at 2.30pm when a representative from Gordale will present each of the class winners with a prize.

Click here to download the Poster of the Current Event


Click here to download the 2019 Entry Form